Saturday, February 4, 2012

Postcards From Italy a Beirut song (see below)...and the subject of this post. I'm clearly getting a little Rome-sick, but the good news is I will be going back in there March! These are postcards that I collected in Italy. 

 Simbolo Celestiniano
Porta Sancta (Basilica di Collemaggio Apertura annuale 28 agosto)
Fontana Fraterna (Isernia)

 Subiaco m. 450
Laghetto di S. Benedetto e veduta del Monastero - Lake of Saint Benedict and a view of the Monastery
I went to Subiaco, a town in Lazio, with the teachers and staff of Istituto Marymount where I taught art for a year. We went to the Monastery of Saint Benedict as a sort of pilgrimage. The monastery is the buiding at the top of this waterfall.

 S. Agata Mugello
Vita artigiana e contadina di un tempo con personaggi i movimento. Realizzati da Lepri Faliero - Artisan and peasant life of a time with character in movement. Made by Lepri Faliero
I bought this in a little used book shop in Florence when I went there with my mother and husband.
Isola D'Ischia - Un paradiso nel Mediterraneo - Isle of Ischia - A Mediterranean paradise
Sant'Angelo - Cava Scura - An old radioactive natural thermal bath
I went to Ischia with my husband during the first summer we spent together in Rome after I changed my flight plans to come back to Rome to be with him. We went to Ischia because his aunt and uncle were vacationing there. Although I didn't get this when I was there, but he gave it to me later.

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