Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I need a new backpack

Korean Bag by Hang Loose

I found this backpack from hang loose
today on a blog called accessories (all about accessories obviously). This company is from Korea and the website is in Korean and has a picture of Bob Dylan in the top right corner of the banner.
They also have some amazing woven scarfs.

pendleton for nike

Pendleton has also made woven nike sneakers which look pretty cool but unfortunately I don't support nike.
via accessories.

Miharayasuhiro FW11 Knit bag

I love this! It inspires me to knit one too! via accessories.


  1. very cool, love the top woven back pack!

  2. I love woven backpacks! I have a mini collection and can never pass them up when I find them thrifting :)
