a mobile photo of a someone's window in Williamsburg.
Hi. I'm feeling bad that I haven't posted anything in over a month. I had plans to. I had plans to make Halloween costumes and post pictures of them. I had plans to celebrate Halloween even! But it's funny how things often don't go as we plan them. I was really excited about having my first Halloween in the States in 3 years, but unfortunately I moved into my new and 1st apartment in New York on Halloween. So this past month and more has been completely crazy. My husband and I moved from Rome to New York so we have been getting all our documents in order so we could leave Italy, packing up my life of 3 years and my husbands life of 29 years into 4 suitcases weighing 23 kilos each. Then in New York, finding an apartment and jobs and then trying to find other, better jobs and then moving into our new apartment and cleaning our apartment and our stuff (which got infested with moths while sitting untouched for 3 years at my mom's house). We still have so much more to do but for now at least I'm a little more unpacked and my esty shop is open again. Soon I will start making new stuff and exploring New York and you will see photos from that.